The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Online!
Covers What The Other Courses Don't!
Have questions? I gotcha covered!
There are an estimated 1.5 BILLION (with a “B”) learners of English around the world, and they are looking for teachers! Could you be one of them?
Sign up to receive a short series of Q&A emails covering topics such as:
How will I find students?
How much can I make?
Is the tech stuff complicated?
What qualifications do I need?
…and more
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Q: Worldwide, how many people do you think study English?
A: More than 1 BILLION according to the British Council!
Q: Do you think you could sign up maybe 10-15 of them?
A: Yes, you can! And I am going to show you how to find them, sign them up, and give them fun, effective lessons that will turn them into loyal students who refer their friends to you. Let's build YOUR tribe!
(Actually, you can start with just a few students, and let word of mouth do the work for you!)
Why is teaching English online so great?
Watch this 18-minute video to find out.
You'll learn who can teach English online, its many benefits,
and why it could be just what you're looking for.
I'll also review what my course covers.
Here's what you'll learn!
In this comprehensive course, I teach you everything you need to become an excellent online teacher!
Just add your motivation!
Section #1: Introduction
Meet your instructor. Teaching English online is ideal for many people. Could it be right for you? What are some of the advantages to teaching English online, and why do I think it beats in-person teaching? Learn about typical requirements and pay. And, can YOU do this?
Section #2: Tech Setup
For many, the idea of teaching online is appealing - but they dread the technical aspects. Relax! These days, tech is easier than ever, and need not be a roadblock to your teaching online. Learn what you need (it isn't really that much!), and also what you don't. Learn why you probably DON'T need a website to start teaching. Don't let an unwarranted fear of the tech setup stop you from getting started on what could be an enjoyable and rewarding career!
Section #3: Getting yourself ready to teach
You speak English, yes. But I'll help you polish up your skills a bit before you begin teaching. Topics include: Do you need a TEFL or CELTA teaching certificate? A university degree? Which teaching materials should you invest in? Tidying up your own grammar and speech, developing a niche, and more. After completing this section you'll be ready to put your best foot forward as you begin teaching!
** Coaching session 1 with John **
Section #4: Working with online schools
While I advocate teaching independently (it's good to be the boss!), some new teachers feel more comfortable working for a school. And fortunately, there are TONS of online language schools today. Learn who some of the biggies are. Learn how they operate, and what they do for teachers. What are typical requirements? What are the Pros and Cons of working for an online school? Could working for an online school be for you?
Section #5: Going solo - the basics
The idea of becoming an independent teacher may be appealing to you - or a bit scary. What does going solo really entail? What are the Pros and Cons? You'll need policies - what should they look like? How can you determine what to charge? How do you define your niche? Yes, going solo can cause some nerves initially, but being your own boss is wonderful!
** Coaching session 2 with John **
Section #6: Finding students
Perhaps you'd like to go solo, but worry about how you'll find students. It's a common concern. But there are myriad ways to find students - and not all of them are online! You might even be able to find students in your own backyard. I'll also cover using free ads, Facebook and paid Facebook ads, "matchmaker sites", plus many more advanced methods. And we'll cover why word of mouth is the best way to find students, and how to make it work for you.
Section #7: The Assessment Chat
The Assessment Chat is typically the first real contact that you have with a prospective student. Done correctly, the Assessment Chat will "seal the deal" and you'll sign up an enthusiastic new student. But the Assessment Chat is much more than a marketing tool. It's a chance to verify the connection, to gather important information about your new student, and to avert potential headaches down the road. I'll show you how I conduct Assessment Chats - which have been extremely effective for me - and also discuss what follow-up you should do.
Section #8: Scheduling
When you start you teaching, scheduling is not an issue. You just want to fill all those open slots! But there is more to creating an effective schedule than you might imagine. What does a "typical" teaching schedule look like? How do you deal with time zone differences? How do you deal with cancellations and reschedules? I'll share many tips learned the hard way, so that you can avoid headaches.
Section #9: Lesson Planning
Some EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers are amazingly slack when it comes to lesson preparation. Don't you be one of them! Solid lesson plans lead to great classes - which in turn lead to satisfied, loyal students who send you referrals! But...creating lesson plans can be very time consuming, especially as you begin teaching. You need a system so that you can work efficiently. I'll show you exactly how I do my lesson planning, from materials I use to what screens and files I have open as I sit down to do the next week's plans.
Section #10: Outside of class
As a new EFL teacher, what you probably really want to know is how to conduct a class. Amazingly, other courses about how to teach English online sidestep this topic, saying things like, "Your classes will be mostly conversation." How is THAT helpful?!
In this section I'll cover a number of foundational skills to prepare you for that first class. We'll look at learning a language as a collection of different skills, and why your "soft skills" are so important. We'll cover a typical class flow, and how to control the pace of the class. These are foundational skills
Section #11: Teaching tips - basic
Here it is, where the rubber meets the road! We will cover how to help students improve their listening comprehension, pronunciation, and fluency. Learn how to teach grammar and vocabulary. Learn why I think teaching using articles is such an excellent approach. And how can you control conversation classes so they are still constructive?
Section #11: Teaching tips - advanced
Learn how to teach phrasal verbs (such as get in, get on, get out of), which permeate English but which can drive students crazy. How can you use videos, inside and outside of class? Learn how to teach writing, which is a "capstone" skill for most students. You can use stories and literature to engage your more advanced students. And all students enjoy an occasional music class!
** Coaching session 3 with John **
Section #13: Administration
Whether you intend to teach English online full-time or just a few hours a week, everything will go smoother if you are organized and businesslike. So we'll discuss things such as getting organized at the beginning, what to do after signing up a new student, having fair and effective policies, and a bit about...ugh...taxes.
If you've taught before (any subject) and feel comfortable online, then you may opt to purchase the digital-materials-only course. But if you are less certain, or want to get up and earning faster, you can buy the course with coaching bundled in.
This is the course you've been looking for!
Other courses promise to show you how to teach English online, but instead tell you how to set up a website and make YouTube videos - and tell you NOTHING, ZIP, NADA about actually teaching a class! But this course is different. This is the course that boldly goes...where no course has gone before!
Why sign up for this course?
- Crash through the tech setup quickly so you can actually TEACH! (And it isn't that tough!)
- Avoid wasting your time - and money - on non-productive activities (TEFL certification, website, a YouTube channel)
- Market yourself effectively with techniques which bring quick results
- Reduce the time you spend in lesson planning and administrivia
- Deliver fun, effective lessons that will make students adore you! (= loyalty! = referrals!)
- Make a little $$ on the side, or build a continuing, recession-proof income
- Be your own boss! (I've been a wage slave. Being the boss is better.)
- Enjoy your work again!
- Start earning money fast!
- Work from home in your underwear! (Just don't stand up! Please!)
- Fund world explorations with a truly portable income. (Have PC, will travel.)
- Build a community of students who look forward to your classes.
- Share not only your English, but your work and life experience.
Who is John Clites anyway, and why should I listen to him?
John is a US citizen who has been teaching English abroad since 2008. Early in 2012 he began teaching English online. Teaching English online allows John to maintain his income as he travels about. You could do the same!
In addition to teaching online, John writes freelance. He has written extensively for Transitions Abroad, International Living, and Live and Invest Overseas. He is the author of Live Well in Rio: The Untourist Guide, and Teaching English in Brazil.
Below are pictures of John meeting with some of his students. It's a great feeling to know that you are someone special to your students!

With students in Rio de Janeiro

With students in São Paulo

With Stela and Pedro in São Paulo

I'm John Clites, the creator of Teach English online...from anywhere. I still teach students online, 1-on-1, as I have since 2012, because I love it. Look, if you want 2,000 subscribers on YouTube, you want to buy that Askew guy's course. But if you'd like to teach dedicated and appreciative students 1-on-1, to really build relationship and change lives, then my course is what you want. I am sincere about teaching. Below you can read comments from some of my students. Do you have questions? Write to me directly at

Look inside to see the full course curriculum!
(This link takes you to, where the course is hosted.)
The world needs English! Share what you know!
Mark Twain said:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
Enroll Today For A One-Time Payment of Only $497!
You can earn much more than that every $ingle month with what you'll learn in this course!
I even offer a 30-day money-back guarantee!
(Click here to learn more about the guarantee.)
Click the button already! Let's do this thing! Time's awastin'! Make money, and make a difference!
Buy this version of the course, and receive the digital content of version 2 (due by the end of 2022) absolutely free! Version 2 is based on short videos for easier consumtion, and contains even more content, especially in the Tech Setup and Delivering lessons sections. Questions? Just write to me at

Your purchase is guaranteed. This course is hosted on Teachable, which holds your payment for 30 days. During that 30 days, if you decide that this ourse is not for you (but I think you'll be impressed by all that you get!), simply request a refund and it's done. So you have nothing to lose. Your guarantee is backed not only by my word, but by Teachable's. So why not do this? Yoy can easily make 2, even 3 or 4 times your investment every single month - all the while helping deserving students around the world reach their goals in life. Seriously, what could be better?
What people are saying about the course How to Teach English Online...from Anywhere!
What John's personal online students say about his teaching skills...

I want you to succeed, and I know that you'll have questions. So I've built three 20-minute coaching sessions into this course at strategic points, after Sections 3, 5, and 9. Let's start you off right on your path to success!
You can do this! I'll show you everything you need to be up and earning quickly. Let's do this...together!

This digital course provides everything that a motivated person needs to begin teaching English online. However, sometimes we all need a hand. If you feel like you'd like a hand to help you get up and running quickly and more easily, you can purchase coaching sessions from me separately. Just write to me at
Do you still have questions? If so, please write to me directly at
I love teaching English online! Let's see if it could be right for you, too!